Honest Runner

Running keeps me healthy, blogging keeps me honest.
Being vegan lets me sleep at night.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Very Good Run

Today's run went very well! I realized that there is probably nothing keeping me from running four miles except the mental factor. The level of effort that got me through three miles is something I can carry on for four miles, if I can will myself to continue. I played around with pace a bit in my last mile, hence the faster time there. I realized that my usual pace for mile one and two is a moderate level -- I was able to talk to myself in a somewhat clipped, short-sentenced conversation. The last mile, however, was at a faster pace that was definitely in the huffing/puffing category, a level that I don't usually push myself into.

Otherwise, nothing great to mention, except that I'm glad it's Thursday and that the weekend is almost here.

Distance: 3.00 miles
Time: 33:08
Avg Pace: 11:03 min / mile
Lap 1 - 11:32 / mile
Lap 2 - 11:05 / mile
Lap 3 - 10:31 / mile


Christie said...

Yeah, it's all mental. As your runs get longer, you just have to find something to do with your mind. You'll do fine with 4miles.

Jeannie said...

This experience is making me respect serious amateur and professional athletes even more. They work out for hours and hours on all aspects of their performance -- I just put in a measly hour or so and have concentration problems. Oy!

Four miles this weekend, for sure.