Honest Runner

Running keeps me healthy, blogging keeps me honest.
Being vegan lets me sleep at night.

Monday, September 22, 2008


OK, so I'm not running on a real plan these days - hence the blank under the "Scheduled Runs" section of this blog. However, bumming around on the forums over at www.runningahead.com (the site that also graciously hosts my training log), I saw a bit of advice for a new runner -- "mix up your runs" the poster wrote, and then went on to suggest four runs a week. 2 miles, 3 miles, 2 miles, then 4 miles, for a total of 11 miles a week.

For some reason, this resonated with me a lot, so I started today. It boosts me up to running four days a week, but keeps my weekday runs short. The two mile run lets me experience what it's like to move my legs fast and strong, which I kinds like the idea of. Of course the reality may wind up being very different.

For now, I'm going to try the following for three weeks or so:

Monday - 2 miles
Wednesday - 3 miles
Thursday - 2 miles
Saturday - 4 miles

So, my two-mile run this morning was at a surprisingly fast pace for me (um, for me anything below 11 min/mile is screaming fast), even though it probably looked like plodding. And I'll be honest, I was huffing and puffing my way through it. There was no way I would have been able to carry on a conversation at this pace, though I did manage a decent and hearty "good morning" to a man parking his car. I need to look at my watch and pay attention to my breath and slow down.

It was nice to be running with the morning crows again. I miss watching them jostle for position on the top of a particular tall pine tree in my neighborhood.

1 comment:

turtle tracks said...

I love morning runs. Looks like I'll be doing afternoons from now on, since I just landed a job working third shift. I'll get home at around 5 a.m.! The upside is now I can afford to go and get fitted for new shoes and can get back to pain-free running!

Waddle on, girl!