Here I am, at the beginning of Week 3 of the Team Vegan Challenge. A few things are clear -- sedentary habits are hard to break, my stamina has increased tremendously, and I do, in fact, enjoy running.
On the last point, that I enjoy running. Yesterday I ran for four miles in Bidwell Park and I became one of those people who you see running the trails along the edge of Vallombrosa. The significance of this for me is incalculable, since for years I have been driving along Vallombrosa and seeing these lovely runners of all shapes and sizes. Every time I see these runners, I am driven slightly bonkers by a mad dissatisfaction with my own life that I am not running free along a lovely park trail.
A mad dissatisfaction with my own life. That instead of being outdoors, I am in an office. It's a lovely office with lovely people, but an office nevertheless. Sitting in a chair that fits my backside all too well. And so, yesterday's run was a watershed moment in my life. I can't wait to repeat it as the year progresses, since I know the park in all its seasons and I know that soon the park will start raising up showy and not-so-showy wildflowers for my enjoyment, followed by butterflies and birds raising their young. I will walk through the park many times this year, no doubt, but I will also run through the park.
The Garmin acted up on me (read: I couldn't figure out which buttons to push), so I wasn't able to download the data from my run, but I figured I was running at a good clip for me, maybe 5.5 mph. Because that pace was a little too fast for the long run, I had to take a couple of short walk breaks (1-2 minutes). It seems that at this point, I can only run in two speeds, "too fast" and "too faster". I can't seem to master the easy pace, the one they say you're supposed to run for most of your running, the one where you can talk. Finding my first, second, and third running gear is going to be a challenge, once that I must solve or else I will be sure to run myself into an injury. As it is, I am experiencing some post-run soreness in my hamstrings and as well as a little tenderness in my left knee. Nothing is bothering me during the run. My left hamstring is bothering me the day after the run, but nothing else. I am concerned.
The subject of injury brings me to the third thing that I know about myself: sedentary habits are hard to break. Proof: I have done zero cross-training in Week 2 AND also skipped my Thursday easy run. Why did I skip them? Because the sofa is comfortable habit that is hard to break. I recall clearly my feelings on Thursday when I was supposed to run an easy three miles. I planned to run at lunch time at work...which I missed. Then I said I could take off at 4:30pm and still run in the park after work...which I missed. Then I brought my gear bag home, and planned to run on the treadmill...which I also missed. I didn't forget, but rather I deliberately chose to sit on the sofa.
The mind knows what to do, but the body refuses. Why? And does thinking about it solve anything? Does blogging about it? Where is the stranger within who started me running in the first place?
On to Week 3!
What is this "Garmin" you people speak of?
Also: I wish there were some nearby park trails for me to run. Guess I'll just stick with the track.
The "Garmin" is a wristwatch-sized GPS unit. Garmin is a company that creates GPS devices for car, hiking, and running navigation. The Garmin allows me to know how far I've run and where I've run. It's a wonderful device. The unit I have is a Garmin 205. The next unit above this one can track heart rate along with speed and location.
I can download the data into the Garmin program resident on my computer, but I can also download the data from the Garmin into an online database which overlays the run directly onto a Google map and creates...get this...a little video of my run. It's a cool toy, but not essential to running. Some folks say, with a lot of reason, that it's better to just listen to your body and run at a pace and for a distance that feels comfortable.
I hope that answers your query.
Wow!!! That sounds like something I'd like to look into someday. I'm a stickler for keeping track of things. Since I'm not running "full time" yet, I think it can wait.
Thanks for the info!
Hi Jeannie. Just checking in to see how you're doing.
I had no idea that it's been over a month since I last posted... I will remedy that with a new post! Please stand by...
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