Honest Runner

Running keeps me healthy, blogging keeps me honest.
Being vegan lets me sleep at night.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Week 9 Day 2

So, today's lesson is...prepare mentally for your run during the day, be well hydrated, don't eat dinner beforehand...and you, too, can run for 36 minutes without feeling bad. As a matter of fact, you'll feel pretty darn good. The hardest part was getting on the treadmill in the first place. Once on it, well, I just kept going. It helped to be listening to an interesting episode of This American Life. I love that show.

On Saturday, I'm heading over to San Francisco to run with Team Vegan and Marathon Matt! Afterwards there will be a team brunch with Vegan Outreach at Greens Restaurant. Woohoo. I hope it doesn't rain, because if it's too rainy we might not go.

1 comment:

turtle tracks said...

How did it go?? You rock!